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Frequently Asked Questions

What is rigging?

Rigging is the mechanical equipment on a stage that allows equipment on the stage to be raised and lowered. Scenery can be raised and lowered for dramatic effect, or to change the scene during a performance. Rigging allows the lighting equipment to be lowered to stage level for maintenance. Curtains can be raised and lowered for dramatic effect, for maintenance, or to change the appearance of the stage.

How safe is the rigging equipment?

All our rigging equipment is standard industrial safety equipment, which is extremely safe and guaranteed by the manufacturer to be so!

How long does it take to rig?

It depends! Rigging time can vary from 15 minutes to all day long!

What king of space can be rigged?

Most venues can be rigged from. A space with exposed structural beams is the easiest to rig from. Theaters with a grid above are also simple to rig. Smaller venues with ceiling tiles usually can be rigged from by removing a ceiling tile and attaching to a beam or floor joist. Theaters without grids (or a heavy enough batten counter-weighting system) provide more of a challenge, as do venues with closed in ceilings.

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