Hoist service, rentals and Installations serving the entertainment Industry.Over 25 years experience
Fall protection
1 day – fall protection aimed at the ascertainment industry. Dealing with the issues of how the law affects us and how to comply to the occupational health and safety act. From proper harness fitting to how to keep you alive during suspensions and what to look for, to rescue plans, this class is a must for everyone working with height. Attendees receive a fall protection card
Attendees should bring their harness if the own one.
Basic rigging
5 days – this class covers all the basics from the ground up. We cover history of rigging up to the present day practices and what it means to be etc certified.
Course topics include; fall protection , suspension trauma, principals of rigging, safety and rescue techniques, ropes and knots, shock loads, mathematics and formulas, chain hoist operation, loads and forces, mechanical advantages , arena rigging theory, arena rigging practical, theatrical rigging theory, theatrical rigging practical
Attendees receive a fall protection card and certification of completion
Students are responsible for bringing a calculator and study materials *
Advanced rigging
5 days – This class covers topics that are listed as being in the content outline for the ETCP Theatre and Arena Rigging Exams. – This class was designed for experienced riggers who wish to advance themselves in their craft. This class will prepare attendees for the challenges of advancing themselves to become a certified rigger in the industry. Outline available click here.
Students are responsible for bringing a calculator, ruler, and study materials.
Motor schools – 1 day
basic maintenance and operation classes. We familiarize attendees with electric chain hoist used in the industry, how they work, and how we keep them well maintained. Attendees will receive a certificate of completion
Motor school- 3 day
This class is an advanced class in maintenance, repair and application. How to rebuild and trouble shoot a motor. Attendees are given a chance to rebuild a hoist and test when completed. Topics include; hoist classification, hoist repair, electrical theory, analog and computerized control system, properly rigging practices, as well as safe operation.Attendees will receive a certificate of completion
Custom Rigging Classes
Our custom classes are tailor made to suit your specific venue and needs. We will visit your venue to see your equipment and venue. We will then assess the skill level of your technicians. A class will be prepared based on this information.
*Study Materials
Entertainments rigging by harry donevan
Stage rigging handbook by jay o. Glerum